Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad
A young Bride!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Build a monument that will not distract from the real person she was


Country Music stars win Country Music Awards. The greatest movie actors and actresses win Academy Awards or Oscars. Music video's and singers win MTV Awards. Smart people win Pulitzer Prize and or other awards like those. We have 1 day a year for Mother's Day and 1 day a year for Father's Day. Even secretaries get 1 day a year for Secretary's Day.
So, what kind of award should the best mother in the world get? Should it be a monument with enscriptions. Or is that more for political good doer's? Do we have a wife's day? Do we have a daughter's day? Should we have a sister's day?  We actually only  have 1 day for President's Day.
In order to build a monument to honor my Mother's life,, the statue would have to be as wide as the Wall of China and as tall as the highest skyscraper. In order to have all of the words written on this monument that would describe my mother,,, the print would have to be so small that you couldn't read it with a magnifying glass.  I know that my Mother is not the only mother that is so great, but I know that my Mother is the only mother that could have lived "her" life.
I have been trying to think of all of the things that my mother was. I could list them for days. You know, the "chief cook and bottle washer" theme. I could list them all here, but even in this written form, it could not begin to show the whole woman that she was!! And in all that she was,, she was perfect or "the best" at it. Wife, mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, best friend, cook and bottle washer!! And more.........
All in all, it was not that she was so smart, or so distinguished, or so pretty, or so vivacious.  It was that she did it all for one reason. All of these reason, was for the same reason. She was the best at whatever she did, because she thought she was suppose to. Whether it be following "the man of the house"(my father), or because she was honoring what God wanted her to do. She never waivered, or thought twice at what was asked of her. She did all of the things she did for other's and thier needs. I NEVER saw my Mother do anything for herself.  As a matter of fact...... I never saw her smile!
I will never know for sure, if this is what God wanted for her. So if by chance, she didn't have to do all of these things to make it into Heaven,,, I pray that her streets are truly covered in gold!
Of all of the mistakes I made when I was a young adult, as well as, when I was 50 years old, I missed the point of being good at everything if you had no smile. Then, I did not want to be like my Mother, and now, I would do my life over much different,, and more like my Mother!!!!!

Mom, thank you so much for being "my" mom!!!

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